Note: I wrote this in the fall of 2015 but with 100 degree days already forecast for early
June of 2016 it is relevant today. These
issues need to be addressed before another closure happens without due cause.
Open Letter to the
I have been thinking
about this a lot lately and now is a good time to start a discussion on this. I
encourage any and all comments on the subject and would appreciate hearing from
anyone else who observed anything similar or different from what I observed.
I would like to address a few issues concerning the North
Umpqua River. I was a bit perplexed as to why the closure
happened this year and why it stayed in force for so long. In my observation and the
taking of water temperatures on a regular basis, I did not see water temps much
out of the normal range after the initial late June heat spell.
Flows this summer were very low as we all know. I did
observe warm water conditions that were in the critical range between 67-70 in
late June and early July but then saw the temperatures that prompted the closures to drop back to normal
ranges and continue to stay in a normal summer range through the rest of July
and into August.
The month of August was completely normal as far as temp
ranges yet the closure remained in effect for the entire month. I think the
highest temp I recorded in the lower river was 65 in the afternoon in the lower
fly water. I did not take temps every day but took dozens of temps during the
course of the closure as did many of my friends. All of us came to much the
same conclusion, pretty normal temps and no real reason for a closure in the
afternoon at all.
During this time it was obvious that no one from either the
ODFW or any other agency was taking water temps on the North Umpqua to see that
temps were in a normal range and those temps did not pose a threat to fish due
to angling pressure. If they had been, the closure would have been lifted like
the rest of the rivers.
Meanwhile during this same time the Deschutes hoot owl
closure was lifted yet water temps hit 70 degrees at Moody at least 4 more
times before dropping at the end of August. The Upper Rogue stayed open for the
entire summer and then the middle and lower Rogue opened up from the 2PM
closure around the 13 of August. The middle Rogue saw temps in the high 60’s
and possibly 70’s after the closure was lifted. There was no consistency in the
way that rivers were being managed during this time.
The North Umpqua in the fly water section is a unique water
shed and should be managed that way and not thrown in with the rest of the
state. Being primarily spring fed, water temps can and do stay lower than many
other rivers.
The North Umpqua remained closed after 2 PM until September
1st. The September 1st lift of the closure proves that
the closure was not based on temps but more of a date range and no matter what
temps were, the decision was made to not open the river back up until September
1st. Temps at that point had been normal for more than two months.
If the river is going to be under a closure by ODFW we need
to see temp ranges and data to show probable cause for it. I am a little surprised
that the Steamboaters and other anglers on the river didn’t call for that.
No one was squeaking about the closures on the North Umpqua,
maybe I should have been more vocal during this time. I have no problem with
protecting the fish when temps warrant it but for 95% of the duration of the
closure the temperatures were well within normal limits. I’m all for being
cautious but let’s act on real data.
Angling pressure may have dropped slightly but intensity did not, and I saw some interesting angler dynamics and potential issues going
on while the closure was in place.
Those observations were-
- ·
Relaxed fishing atmosphere becomes more frenzied
due to limited time on the water.
- ·
More anglers fishing harder in a shorter window
of time
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More anglers fishing longer than they normally
would fish due to their time being limited on the water during the hoot owl
- ·
Anglers fishing into the hottest part of the day
due to the time constraints of not being allowed to fish in the evening.
- ·
More anglers fishing sink tips because they are
fishing in the hottest part of the day when the sun is at its highest angle
making surface presentations less effective.
- ·
More fish were actually being hooked at a time
of day when most people would be resting or waiting for the evening
- ·
Many fish were being hooked when water temps
were nearing their warmest of the day due to anglers using sink tips.
I see a bunch of problems with the closure and how it was
put in place.
- ·
No one was monitoring temperatures to see when
it would be safe to lift the closure
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No one was monitoring the angling dynamics that
occurred due to the closure
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No one was patrolling the area to see if anglers
were indeed obeying the closure.
- ·
There were no threshold temperatures or
parameters in place to monitor water temps and lift the closure when temps fell
back into a normal range again.
The way the closure went down this year does not bode well
for the future of the river. A precedent has now been set. A hoot owl closure
occurred this year and there was no real reason for it after the late June and
early July temperatures that we saw. I
have heard that a water temperature of 64 degrees will be the new high end of
the scale and closures, either partial or complete, will occur if water temps
exceed that mark. This will essentially put the river under a hoot owl closure
every summer from July 1st to September 1st. The river
could also be closed altogether if temps go higher than that.
64-67 degree temps are normal water temps for July and
August in the lower fly water and are seen often in the afternoon during hot
weather spells. The fish have adapted to these temps and will self-preserve by
not actively chasing surface or near surface presentation. Basically, fishing
will and has always been poor during warm water times and keeping people off
the river does little to save the fish. Very few fish are being
hooked when temps are in the upper 60’s it’s just a fact.
The ease at which this recent closure was accepted by the
anglers of the river shocked me really. Again, I’m all for being cautious and
erring on the side of the fish but let’s have real time data to go on.
We are looking at an uncertain future for angling
opportunity going forward if no one says anything. If 64
degrees does become the new goal post for lethal high water temperatures next
year, we will indeed see those temps and the subsequent closures associated
with them for sure, no matter the snowpack or water level coming out of the
My questions to the ODFW are:
- ·
Is a hoot owl closure every summer from now on
something you would like to see?
- ·
Is anyone worried that the angler opportunity
may be seriously affected by the changing policy and new closures?
- ·
Are you aware that the river the Steamboaters and many other group
have worked so hard to steward and protect may be entering a new era that may
limit anglers unnecessarily under the guise of protecting fish?
- ·
Where’s the data that proves the angler is the
problem on a catch and release and highly regulated fly fishery such as the
North Umpqua?
- ·
Where is the data that says keeping anglers off
the river in the afternoon saves fish that are hooked in the morning?
- ·
Where is the data that shows over the last 50-60
years or so years that the wild fish population has been diminished on the
North Umpqua due to intense fly angler pressure?
the ODFW be in favor of getting behind a no sink tip rule during summer
instead of a closure? This rule in my opinion would be a better solution to the
issues I observed and would allow the fish to self-preserve by only allowing a
near surface or surface presentation. Fish will be very reluctant to move to
the surface when temps are high.Subsequently, fish hooked will be minimal while still allowing the fishery to continue until water temps improve.
The facts are undeniable, the wild
North Umpqua summer steelhead are doing fairly well despite all of the issues
they have been through. We have in our midst some of the strongest wild winter
and wild summer runs of fish anywhere in the lower 48.
Look at the historical numbers
over Winchester in the last 60 years. The run has actually gotten slightly more
robust despite man’s efforts to destroy the fish and their habitat. Many of the
early decades after the dam was in place, wild fish kill was allowed and people
harvested many fish in those years.
Modern day factors that negatively
impact fish include continued loss of habitat due to logging, irrigation
affecting water flows, building, pesticides, dredging, mining etc. etc. There
are a hundred areas of concern that have affected the overall health of the
fishery over the years and the catch and release fishery in the fly water is
not one of them. The river is already the most highly regulated stream in
perhaps all of the PNW steelhead rivers. These regulations that are in place
have stood the test of time and are good for the fishery.
Keeping anglers off the river for
an afternoon hoot owl closure did not save any fish this year in my
opinion. It is my belief that the
closure actually encouraged more people to fish with sink tips and more fish
were probably hooked overall.
Our overall impact as anglers on
this highly regulated catch and release river is minimal. Look at the dam
counts and they will bear this out. If we closed the river tomorrow for 10
years and did not allow any fishing whatsoever the returns would stay about
where they are. We would continue to see annual returns in the range of
3000-6000 wild summer fish.
My concern is always for the fish
and if the data and water temps show lethal temps for fish, then sure lets
close the river. But, if temperatures are in a range that these fish have been
accustomed to for millennia, closing the river does nothing but make some
people feel good, and may actually be a determent due to the angling methods outlined above.
In conclusion I have some parting
thoughts. First and foremost, I love this river and want to see a healthy run of these fish for my kids and their kids after them. I am also a Steamboater and an NFS River Steward and
have a deep respect for the river and the work the Steamboaters have done to
maintain this world class fishery. The river would not be what it is without
them that’s for sure. We as Steamboaters have a responsibility to steward the
resource and make good decisions for the river and fish, this is true. We also
have a responsibility to future generations to be able enjoy and continue on
with the fine traditions that make the river such a special place. We need to
make sure that the opportunities to fish are not restricted by suspect and/or
unwarranted reasons.When precedent starts to be set in place it can be hard to reverse.
I hope to
never see a closure on the river again in my lifetime. But if future closures
happen, there must be common sense rules in place for instituting a closure, monitoring conditions and also the
lifting of that closure as soon as conditions allow it.
We need to think about the idea of
pushing for a sink tip ban as an option rather than a closure when and if water
temps get into a critical range again. Doing so will still allow anglers to
fish but will limit the number of fish hooked. Allowing for a deep water
sanctuary in times of warm water will allow fish to rest in the cooler water
We as anglers,river lovers,Steamboaters all of us need to be
involved in these processes and not sit on our collective hands and watch a
storied history slip away. It can happen that fast. Do we want to see the North
Umpqua angler regulated right off the river and the place turned into a Wild
Steelhead Sanctuary? Its happening on other rivers to the north.......
The angling tradition is strong on
the North Umpqua and it can continue to be if we all work together.
Please, if you are not already a member of the
Steamboaters, become one today
All comments are welcomed